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String transport is a promising and innovative development of Anatoli Eduardovich Unitskiy


"String transport is an above-ground transport system in which the movement is organised by means of suspended rails stretched between supports. The speed of the rolling stock can reach 500 kilometres per hour and its movement is controlled automatically."

Anatoli Unitsky

  • Russian scientist, inventor and entrepreneur
  • Author and general designer of uST technology
  • Manager of two projects of United Nations
  • Member of the Cosmonautics Federation of USSR
  • The author of more than 140 inventions, 18 monographs and more 200 scientific papers
  • President of uST Group of Companies
  • 2 UN grants
    for development

  • 3 gold quality marks "Russian Brand" of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

  • 2 gold medals of the All-Russian Exhibition Centre

  • Open Innovations 2014

  • Peace Ambassador Diploma

  • Member of the International Academy for the Integration of Science and Business

  • Project of the Year of the Transport Industry in Russia

Modes of transport:

Mounted and suspended

  • Speed: up to 500 km/h
  • Performance:
    over 500,000 passengers per hour
  • Maximum slope: 20%

Mounted and suspended

  • Speed: up to 150 km/h
  • Performance:
    over 25,000 passengers per hour
  • Maximum slope: 45%

Mounted and suspended

  • Speed:
    up to 150 km/h (suspended),
    up to 500 km/h (mounted)
  • Performance:
    over 200 mln tpa
  • Maximum slope: 60%

ECO-FRIENDLINESS. The vehicles run on electricity and reduce atmospheric emissions.

SAFETY. Derailments and accidents are impossible.

ECONOMY. 2-3 times cheaper than ordinary roads, 8-10 times cheaper than high-speed railways and highways.

COST AND TRAFFIC REDUCTION. Low fares and no congestion on city roads.

SPEED. The highest ground speed (up to 500 km/h).

RELEVANCE. Construction in hard-to-reach places and seismic zones

In 2016, the Russian Ministry of Transport recognised the technology as innovative and promising

The innovativeness and good perspectives of the technology are confirmed by the conclusion of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Minutes of the meeting of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on increasing the innovativeness of public procurement in the transport sector.

Learn more about the technology

Why did we choose crowdfunding for development?

Most venture capital funds, large investors and transport monopolists perceive new transport as either an unprofitable project or a competitor.

Today, the portfolio of pre-orders and targeted projects totals $164 billion. Even a 5% down payment would recoup $500 million in investment - previous and current.

We have created our own social venture ecosystem, Sky World Community. Anyone who supports the development of technology can become a co-owner of the company and its intellectual property.

On the territory of the EcoTechnoPark, certification and demonstration of technology will take place in 3 segments of the transport market at once: freight, urban and high-speed intercity (speeds up to 500 km/ h) segments.

Step-by-step plan:



Financing each stage of uST technology development

a test site


Building a demonstration (test) site, as well as certification of transport



Fulfilling pre-orders according to previously signed agreements



Making profit from the implementation of projects and, as a consequence, paying dividends

The timeframe for the project to reach self-sufficiency and profitability and your venture premium

Investment pay-off period ranges from 1.7 to 7 years. Venture premium that the co-owners receive depends on the amount of profit generated after the technology is brought to market.

Indicator Optimistic variant Pessimistic variant
Payback period, years 1.7 3,5
Net cash inflow over 10 years, billion USD 98.6 4.8
Estimated venture premium from investment 514% 73%
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Stages of construction of the testing
complex in Belarus

Construction of certification siteBelarus, Minsk region, Maryina Gorka Obtaining ISO 9001

2014 - 2016 гг

Establishment of a design organisation, certification of engineering and construction activities, obtaining land lease permits.

1 - 3 stage of the road
2015 - 2016

Commissioning and comprehensive testing of urban, monorail, bi-rail and freight track.

2017 - 2018

Certification of the technology, start of sales – receipt of orders and prepayments from interested clients.

Stage 4 of the road

Commissioning of the high-speed section. Adaptation of technology to specific applications.

The project is being financed in 15 stages with decreasing portion discount

Right now is sub-stage 15.1 of 15

Transfer of 1,500,000,000 portions at a discount ranging from 1:10 to 1:40.

  • Completion of construction, testing and certification of a test facility for a high-speed string transport system.
  • Launch of serial production and market entry of uST high-speed transport and other elements of transport and infrastructure complexes from Unitsky String Technologies Inc.
  • Conclusion of contracts for targeted projects of uST transport and infrastructure complexes totalling at least $10 billion.
  • The exit of the engineering company Unitsky String Technologies Inc. to self-sufficiency at the expense of funds received for work on projects to create uST commercial complexes.
Find out the discount at all stages of financing

* Download the presentation and get access to all stages of work

Become one of the co-owners

and profit from all implemented targeted projects

Those who fund after uST technology is fully certified and goes global will only be able to invest in targeted projects. Hurry up to register portions of the company right now to get income from all implemented projects and take advantage of the best financial offer right now!

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*Limited offer

In the staff of the design and engineering enterprise located
in Minsk over 450 employees

Over 450 specialists: among them 4 candidates and one Doctor of Science

Own experimental production

Development of technical documentation for the implementation of the project of string transport in reality

Quality control is carried out in accordance with STB, PCT European and world standards.

More than 200,000 specialists, professionals and ordinary people in more than 200 countries are already involved in the string transport project.

Interview with a US financial expert onUST Inc. technology at InnoTrans 2016

Video feedback on the project uST technology Alexander Mosin

Governor of the Ulyanovsk region Sergey Morozov about uST

Viktor Tarasov, professional trader, tells about uST

Other feedback


Direct investments in the construction of EcoTechnoPark will amount to about 240 million USD. According to forecasts, when the company enters the world market, co-owners receive a capitalization from 1,000%.


UST Group if Companies owns the exclusive right to Unitsky's string transport technology. The company's intellectual property in 2013 was valued by independent expertise at $400 bln.


Due to its low capital and operating costs, uST is able to capture a share of up to 50% of the transport market. uST technology is particularly effective in the development of hard-to-reach areas and deposits.


By registering portions of the company, you become one of the co-owners of the world's largest transport corporation. You will receive a profit corresponding to your number of portions from each project implemented by the company.

Use the best

financial offer right now!*

Free registration

*Limited offer

TV reports about uST

Presentation of uST technology to the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev.

How to become a Sky World Community Partner



Complete registration
in personal account



Choose a suitable package
and pay in a way
convenient for you



Receive a certificate,
confirming your inclusion
in the register of co-owners

Payment options


In bank




Answers to frequently asked questions

When will I make my first profit?

You can profit from the resale of portions after the company enters the market or start earning now by becoming our partner and developing the concept of a new mode of transport to save the planet's environment and people's lives.

Will my $100 investment do any good?

Sky World Community works under the programme of crowdfunding, so that even small investments are of great importance for the project.

Why is the company registered in the UK?

The company is registered in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and is under the jurisdiction of the UK as it is one of the best jurisdictions for financial attractiveness and reliability.

What if transport companies get in the way of technology development?

That's not going to happen, and for a solid reason. uST transport is an alternative to traditional public transport, which in the future will be on the second tier from the ground. It does not interfere the interests of transport companies, but only meets the need of a growing population for comfortable, safe and eco-friendly transport, as well as companies' requests for more efficient logistics, especially in hard-to-reach regions.

It's not a pyramid, is it?

Our technology was recently approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, gaining the official status of a recognised innovation. The government would never bail for a "pyramid scheme". Moreover, the company is as open as possible and operates according to a pre-agreed development plan, which you can review. News about the progress of the test site construction can be seen every week, and several times a year there are retreats where co-owners can see with their own eyes what their funds are spent for.

Why do other projects offer a higher percentage?

Yes, you may be offered a higher percentage in other projects, but only uST has been recognised as an innovative technology by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the practical implementation of ideas. We put innovation in place — we build a test site, take care of the environment through innovations in the field of transport and abandoning traditional modes of transportation, promote technology around the world, sign construction contracts and develop an investor community. Each partner who has invested in the project can become a co-owner of the technology according to the number of registered portions. Portions are issued under a convertible loan agreement, and when the project goes public, the owner can dispose of them.

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Invest your money only in a reliable company

transparency of the company

The credibility of uST technology portions can be easily confirmed by entering the unique international identification number in an independent securities code database ( or or by requesting it from the ISIN organisation itself.

Support of international

The author and general designer of uST technology, Anatoli Unitsky, managed two UN projects, the implementation of which is an integral part of the project for the development and implementation of technology, as well as the creation of related infrastructure in cities where uST transport and infrastructure complexes will be built.


The validity of the investment project is confirmed by assessments of the relevant state organisations. National Agency for Investment and Privatisation of the Republic of Belarus placed the uST Solutions Implementation Centre in the database of investment projects of the country (top 10 in terms of investment amount)

Recognition of the scientific

uST technology has undergone a number of expert reviews from leading experts in the field of transport. Among them - Expert Council of the Russian Ministry of Transport, St. Petersburg State University of Railway Transport, Institute of Transport Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Australian consulting (infrastructure construction) company MBMpl PTY Ltd. and others.

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